Connie G.
I was given the opportunity to review the book “Weirder than Marshmallows” by Dan Fogg. This book had me laughing outloud! I’m a huge fan of sarcasm and Dan’s writing style 100% fits the bill!!
It even had Eli my 18 month old grandson laughing… Nonnie can make any book sound like Dr. Seuss! When I laughed, Eli would laugh and clap. Course… you really can’t judge any book by Eli’s laughing… he thought the electric bill was hilarious!
I was in love as soon as I read the introduction of Weirder than Marshmallows: “Ignorance, lack of common sense, and downright inhuman stupidity run rampant in this country and around the world. I watch people, and I hear stories, and they beg, beg, beg to be mocked and ridiculed”.
I applaud Dan Fogg’s mom Deborah Carney, for compiling this truly enjoyable book and getting it published after Dan passed away. Dan’s writings need to be read.
This book is a fun, sometimes sad, quick read. The book is a series of “5 musings” that will make you go “DUH”
Please go check it out you will need this book the next time you want to use lighter fluid. (Dan woulda liked me…. I’m funny!!)
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